Made with

This game was called Flick. The theme of the game was that all the levels were not made through photoshop but by handmade drawings. The aim of the game was getting the different coloured balls in the corresponding colour whole to gain enough points to pass the level. 

This app was called The Mental Health App. The aim of this app was to offer motivational messages to people with mental illneses. 

This app that was made was called Virtual Wardrobe.The players were able to take pictures of different items in their wardrobe and mix and match them on a virtual model on the app to decide what outfit they wish to wear. 

This game was called Monkey Fruit Catcher. This game involved a small monkey catching fruits falling from the sky. Each fruit caught gave the player more points to finish the level. 

We were paired into groups to create our desiredapps/games. We were all taught how to create a shape on a virtual IPhone using Notepad ++ and Corona Labs. We later learned the basics of coding using the coding language, 'Lua'.

When we had our rough idea of an app planned, we got into our groups and planned how we would make our idea come to life on the screen. After many weeks, we had our app completed.